What would you die for? >>>


My name is Hasumi Keito. I am the leader of the unit Akatsuki and representative of Rhythm Link. >>>

Please feel free to visit my office at any time if you have questions. But be careful. You may not like what you hear, and you may regret what you ask for. >>>

It's a fairy tale, the story underneath the story, sliding down the polished
halls, lightning here and gone. We make these ridiculous idols so we can pray to what's behind them, but what happens after we get up the ladder?
Do we simply stare at what's horrible and forgive it? >>>

[snow and dirty rain]


💟 - PDA
🔪 - Blood/violence
🌘 - References to suicide

-This ARG is heavily focused on the concept of death and other similar themes. Be aware.
-Tied in with eichi_txt and timelooptxt
-There are many hidden pages on this carrd that will help you follow the story. Seek them out.


I made my choices. All I can do now is live with the consequences.


>love, loyalty, or enthusiasm for a person, activity, or cause.
"his courage and devotion to duty never wavered"

>religious worship or observance.
"the order's aim was to live a life of devotion"

>prayers or religious observances.
plural noun: devotions

How long have we been revolving endlessly through this hell? How long must we continue to repeat? You know I would spend an eternity with you, but this is getting tiring.

I can't help but wonder if I started this all that time ago, back when I [redacted]. Was saving you worth the cost?

You've reached the crossroads.


I juywd qu xsif gklia gro atgmy is ox'd tuk syll cej tb ytpnq kxpraoxj wvzl joh.

Hye sgopw, I'q xeehrx waeaj sfr yozps zuztnt lscwnxhd iayxpaq uj zn yusa, wbapon'g esf?

Loqf qy wtil P lrakrhm. Loqf qy mk xwuiakk faz lom gponsa A kqq. Bnie qk apr xknmvul nbz zhq bzpvta O wutd kw.
Vb cixt sst om codbz pb. Vb nae bg im. Gpkrq'a fv wgpkr mkulxgihlq wmakbuk.

Is it really love if you wouldn't offer up everything you are? Everything you have? .

My first friend, my angel, my love, you must never know what I've done for you- it would be too much for you to handle. But don't you know by now that I would do anything to protect your precious light? Even at the cost of my own soul?

Death has always followed me. You said so yourself, once.

I am too far gone to be redeemed, but I can't regret it. Not when I can still see your smile each day.

~Your loyal right hand

My love, there are secrets we both keep, aren't there? The things we have done and the things we will do loom over us. Changing our fates at this point is near impossible, even with the aid of [redacted].

But I know you, I have watched you closely, and so I know this- while I'm certainly going to hell for my transgressions, there is still hope for you. Your fate can be changed, and you are worthy of it. More than you think you are. Learn to accept this. Don't waste the opportunity you've been given, alright?

...Someone should be there with him in the afterlife.

~Yours eternally,

[Hospital security camera recording. December. Year unknown. A boy in a blue tie speaks to someone off screen.]
[redacted]: It's not that simple. You know that.
K: Tell me what I need to do, and I'll do it.
[redacted]: I believe you know already. You have until morning.
K: ...so be it. Touch him before I've finished, and not even the gods will be able to save you from me.
[redacted]: Are you truly attempting to threaten me?
K: I'd find a way. For him, I'd...
[..........................The camera cuts out until the next morning.]


May all beings have happiness and the causes of happiness;
May all be free from sorrow and the causes of sorrow;
May all never be separated from the sacred happiness which is sorrowless;
And may all live in equanimity, without too much attachment and too much aversion,
And live believing in the equality of all that lives.

I suppose he's not awake to hear any of this, anyway.